| Nixon Rejects Ervin Subpoena | | Heirs Patty Hearst Is Kidnapped By Symbionese Liberation Army | | House votes 410-4 To Investigate The President | | Solzenitsyn Is Deported From Russia | | Grand Jury Indicts presidential Aids Halderman, Erlichman, Colson | | India Announces It Has A-bomb | | Juan Peron Dies Wife Isabel Takes Over | | Nixon Resigns…Ford Sworn In As President | | Ford Gives Nixon Absolute Pardon |
| 55 mile-per hour speed limit is inacted | | OPEC oil embargo ends | | Nixon agrees to pay 432,000 in back taxes | | Nelson Rockefeller is appointed Vice President as Ford becomes President | | Died, Jack Benny, Dizzy Dean, Duke Ellington,Chet Huntley, Ed Sullivan | | Muhammad Ali using "Rope a Dope" knocks out George Foreman in 8 th | | The "String" Bikini is in fashion | | Because of gasoline shortage, daylight savings time is observed all year to save fuel | | Lt. William Calley convicted of his part in My Lai massacre is paroled |